X men apocalypse film rating
X men apocalypse film rating

x men apocalypse film rating

Michael Fassbender is one of my favorite actors today and continues to prove that here.


There’s one scene in particular in this movie where his skills are showcased and man, it’s really freaking good. Fassbender as Magneto in this movie gave such chills, this guy’s acting chops are top notch. Michael Fassbender… Once again, this guy is amazing. Let’s start with what’s good, what I dug about this film. Some things really worked well, some things left me confused and a little disconnected. This movie is kind of a mixed bag for me. In short, he’s gonna tear shit up and the X-Men need to once again come together to put a stop to him. He wants to basically restart the whole world and take it over along with his team, the Four Horsemen.

x men apocalypse film rating

He’s been asleep for A LOT of years, and now he has awoken. In the time period of 3600 BC in Ancient Egypt, En Sabah Nur AKA Apocalypse played by Oscar Isaac is believed to be the world’s first ever mutant. Now for a movie that has the word, “Apocalypse” in the title, you probably got a good idea what’s gonna happen. New timeline business, don’t worry about it. This movie stars the ensemble cast of James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, and Oscar Isaac as well as a couple of newcomers playing old timers.

x men apocalypse film rating

Nonetheless, I’ve been really digging this new prequel reboot timeline stuff so I was very much looking forward to seeing this next chapter. As our good friend, Deadpool would say “these timelines are so confusing”. Or the third if you’re just counting the new ones starting with First Class (2008). X-Men: Apocalypse is directed by Bryan Singer and is the ninth installment in the X-Men movie franchisee. With that said, let’s get right into Apocalypse. You’re in good hands here, this is a safe space so fear not. Also, don’t buy everything you hear from the critics because personally, I think they’re pretty off on this one. Plus, we’re on the Internet… You know how it can be, especially for movies like these. I felt compelled to throw that out there, just for spite.

X men apocalypse film rating